Expression Term (synonyms}
T = I1/I0 Transmission, T (transmissivity, transmittance)
%T = 100 x T Percentage Transmission
A= 1-T Absorption
E = log10 ( I0/I1 ) Extinction (E) (optical density, absorbance)
E = 1/cd(E) Molar Extinction Coefficient, E, epsilon
c in moles per liter, d in centimeters.
E = k1d(cm) k, extinction coefficient (Lambert's Law)
E = k2c (g./1.) c, concentration (Beer's Law)
E = kcd Simplified expression, Lambert-Beer Laws.
, lambda Wavelength
A (Å) (AU) Angstrom = l0-10 m., -or-
= 1/6438.5 x wavelength of Cd line
Angstrom Unit
, micron, 10-6m = l,000 millimicrons (or nanometers, nm)
= l0,000 Angstroms, A
c2 = ------ . c1 regression line
Note: That there are three potentially confusing usages of
the symbol 'A' in the literature on light. One, Absorption, appears on some
spectrophotometer meters as the complement of T, Transmission of light,
(i.e. A = 1 - T). This Absorption should not be confused with Absorbance,
which is a synonym of Optical Dentisty or Extinction and is defined as
E = log10 ( I0/I1 ).
Additionally the measure of distance and resolution of light related methods
is often given in Angstroms which is properly abbreviated with the symbol
Å, but through carelessness is simetimes given the erroneous symbol 'A'.
From class notes of the late Arthur W. Pollister
Page maintained by JG Kunkel